
hopefully, we have the right kind of pasta. Spaghetti bolognaise for tea, with hot crusty bread.

Mum is struggling with the heat and her back, she can't walk very far which makes life very difficult as she wants to go out everyday, and there aren't always places that she can sit down, so we will have to see about her visit next year.

Golf tomorrow, so I get a few hours respite.

I had a meeting today with Glenys, Jurgen and the Administrator to sort out the agenda for the dreaded AGM, there was an item on the agenda (security gates for the community), Jurgen produces a list of signatures which he has collected from the Germans on the community stating that they are against having security gates, he reckons he had 50% so therefore the agenda item didn't need to be on the agenda, the Administrator tried to point out to him that it was Spanish Law that if a person wanted an item on the agenda of the AGM the President was obliged to put that item on the agenda, he eventually capitulated, it's going to be an interesting meeting on October 10th, pity Roy and I won't be there to give Glenys our verbal support.

My suspicious mind thinks that he has forged some of the signatures, watch this space!!

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