The essence of Australia

What a great day today was.  It began with a relaxed breakfast at a cafe in Healesville that included a couple of strong coffees to kick start things.  During breakfast I received a lovely facebook video of Sebastian wishing me a happy mothers day, which brought a tear to my eye.

Then we headed off to Healesville Sanctuary.  Such a wonderful place.  I barely had time to put my camera down between each photo opportunity.  I loved photographing all the Australian birds, including some I've never even seen before.  It was a pity that the lyrebirds were too shy to show themselves, but at least they were very talkative so I can  lay claim to having heard lyrebirds even if I've not seen them.

I still can't believe that they 'protect' opossums in Australia!  And what weedy little things they are too - nothing like the great beasts they've grown into since they colonized New Zealand!

Each time I photographed another bird I'd think, "That one's going to be my blip."  In the end though I've had to settle on the quintessentially Australian koala.   He looked so peaceful snoozing in the sun.

We had to leave far sooner than I was ready to, in order to head back to Melbourne.  On the way to the airport I had an entirely new supermarket  encounter.  The LaManna experience was incredible!

An uncomfortable flight back to New Zealand (unfortunately Air New Zealand's alliance partner really isn't up to scratch,  especially when you are paying for AirNZ quality and it is not being delivered).  Then a two hour drive home.  Got into bed at 4 a.m. - hence the back blip.

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