The Road to Balindore
I went to Taynuilt today to visit the polytunnel and to put up my bean sticks, plant runner beans and spuds, and sow carrots and peas.
Instead of going through Taynuilt village and turning down Glen Lonan, I took the road to Balindore which says it's a dead end, but for those in the know, it's not. I turned off the main road largely because I drove over which I thought was just a bin bag in the middle off the road, but it turned out to have a plastic box in it and it got stuck under the car. I couldn't get rid of it, even by reversing, but finally when I drove over a cattle grid it fell off.
The road goes for about a mile, passing a couple of houses, then the tarmac ends and it continues for another couple of miles with a gravel surface. The track passes a few more cottages, but it's really in the middle of nowhere with wonderful mountain views, including Beinn Cruachan. It finally emerges in Glen Lonan right next to the old nursery where the polytunnels are. It's not really a short cut as it's a very slow drive, being rather rough, but it made a change. On the horizon you can see some of the wind turbines above Kilchrenen, which are otherwise pretty well hidden.
Rather hot working under plastic today - I'm not sure if it's really a good idea long-term. I sat outside with my picnic lunch, feeding the wee fish in the burn with little balls of bread from my roll, watching a couple of pied wagtails and listening to a cuckoo!
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