Happy Birthday Sammy

It rained and poured down all morning, and felt like it was never going to stop!  The late afternoon was drier, but the mist has fallen down thick, so a very dull driech day! 

I could hear the rain on the window this morning, so I had a long lie instead!  I finally got up and going.  Popped into Lerwick in the afternoon, met mam for lunch and also some shopping and then headed out to Burra for a run to see friends.  A quiet night in front of the telly, but might go and meet friends later.

It's Sammy's birthday today :)  Well I'm not really sure when it is, but 7 years ago today Sammy arrived off the ferry.  He is a rescue dog from Mrs Murray's in Aberdeen, and the vet aged him at 1-2 years old.  He was such a skinny thing after being a stray, but has a great life up here in Shetland :)  Hope I have another 7 years with him to come.  He enjoyed a birthday run on the Meal beach, Burra.

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