T-Rex at Michael's Wood

A windy day, but a lovely warm and sunny day.  It clouded over at teatime, and rained all night.  

A fine lazy start to my Sunday, and woken up with visitors big Brian and Madeline who popped by for a cuppa.  I got on with chores in the morning, and two loads of washing out.  Mam came over, we picked up friend Julie, and headed west and met sister Julie and family.  We've been to a plant sale, Sunday teas, the Aith charity shop and a walk in the woods.  I had to run peerie Brian into hospital this evening, leg injury from yesterday.  Finally back home, and feet up for the night. 

It's been a great day out, good fun and some new plants for the garden.  The real treat was a walk in the woods.  I can't usually come here, as no dogs, but no Sammy today.  The trees have fairly come on since my last visit, and then the new attractions, the dinosaurs!  Various dinosaurs hidden around the woods.  This big T-Rex looks fierce and hungry, watch out Julie!!  Mam and Elise on the right.  Taken at Michael's Wood, Aith.  

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