The Marvellous Scent of a Guava...

Yesterday, I went to our local organic shop for some ginger and chocolates for a colleague's birthday, and as I entered I was hit by a strong, sharp, fresh scent that reminded me of something wonderful.  After a few moments it came to me - a guava!  I haven't seen one in the shops for years, but as I came to the fruit and veg section, there was a basket of perfectly ripe guavas!  I couldn't believe my luck.  They had a soft, velvety skin and I took three.  As I was paying, the shop assistant mistook them for pears, and charged me less than half of the cost of the guavas for my entire shop.  I couldn't just not tell her though - I wanted to enjoy the guavas with a clear conscience!  So I told her all about them and how I never see them in shops, but remember the smell from childhood.  I also told her how expensive they were, compared to what she'd charged me, and that they were not simple everyday pears.  She had a good lesson in guavas. :-)
I've eaten two and they are delicious! Alfred had a sniff and turned up his nose.  Mr K said they smell like something unmentionable that I trod in yesterday.  All the more guavas for me!  ;-)

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