Made it to Stowe just in time to hire Katherine's skis and get her to ski school. She loves skiing so much that it would have been worth almost anything to us to avoid her glum face all day if she'd had to miss it!
The rest of us were too tired/poorly for any of that so retired for a late breakfast and a nice lie down. I headed out to get some snaps of the town. Stowe is a really charming, classic New England town, with this beautiful church on the main street.
One of the things we tell everyone about this place (we were here last year too) is how polite everyone is: if you want to cross the street you just wait at the side and the cars will stop - there are no crosswalks that I could see, just polite drivers. So much so that, waiting at the side of the road for a gap in the traffic to take this shot, I suddenly realised all the cars had stopped to let me cross. I felt it would have been rude not to cross, since they'd all stopped, so did, and then had to hang around pretending to look for something until all those cars had gone so I could cross back to take my shot.
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