Busy Bee!

No nap today! I had so many dahlias to pot up - I had bought Sarah Ravens Hot Dahlia Collection and three others I could not resist it being a sale! I decided to print out their photos and then mix and match them. Well that took quite a while! Once I had them how I thought would look clashingly hot I set about filling the ginormous pots - 3 of which would take 3 dahlias each! Tilly and Polly were put in their run and Milkshake took the opportunity to explore! back up on neighbours shed via a different part of the fence. I opened the back gate just in case and discovered a veritable cascade of Crocosmias over the narrow back lane! I had better tie them back before some zealous person up the road cuts them back as they did last year! Apparently they were scratching his car - have you ever heard anything so nonsensical! Milshake didn't stay on the roof long and jumped back into the garden the same way she left - phew!
Once dahlia's planted along with sweetpeas and the repotting of various other plants I discovered the old dahlias i had put in a tray under my Gazebo had come to life! More potting up! No idea what type or colour they are so will be interesting to see what they are!
After making dinner and deciding I no longer like prawns ( another phew as eating them made me feel guilty! ) I realised FatCat had come into the kitchen! She went into the conservatory, saw Milkshake, growled and hissed at her then went back upstairs! It's a start!
By 10 I felt so tired i decided to have an early night! This plan was rather scuppered as I checked the news as i lay in bed and discovered Trump had fired Comey. Allegedly over the Clinton emails - seriously? I think  remember him thanking him at the time - oh and asking the Russians to find them! Seriously - when are The Republicans going to grow a pair and impeach him - the longer they wait the worse it will be for them as a party - oh wait, they've already lost support over the Health Bill! Makes May seem almost fluffy! 

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