Orange Tip

The first job of the day was fitting an overhead mount for a projector at the studio then The Mate helped move on one of my projects by cutting some off-cuts of plastic decking to length. What I'm doing is making a series of raised platforms for the garden on which I can stand pots of plants.

In the afternoon The Man put together the platforms for me. These ones are to take a collection of green pots with plants of gold and bronze colours. (I hope, if I can find things that will fit the description over the next few years!)

We were sitting back with a cuppa, admiring the job in place, when I noticed a small white butterfly. It turned out to be a male orange-tip,  Anthocharis cardamines. We could just and so see the orange colour through its closed wings. 

I took loads and loads of shots so it's taken me ages to choose one!

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