What's Outside My Window

Taking a picture of a window reflected in a mirror is not so easy. This particular mirror is on the wall opposite our bed,  and without moving more than my head, I can see the sunrise through the window, reflected in the mirror. 

We are just coming out of a string of hot days during which we discovered that our air conditioner wasn't working....again. Although the immediate cause of non-function was that it was drawing too much electricity trying to turn itself on and flipped the circuit breaker, the real reason is that it is old and we need a new one.  New air conditioners are expensive, and not a very exciting thing to spend money on, but it has to be done.

The tree guy, Jerry, is supposed to come back sometime and take out the tree palm trees right outside the bedroom window. The woodpeckers love to hide acorns in the rough bark of their trunks, a strip of which  can be seen just to the left of the curtain, but we don't love them, and they were planted directly over the septic tankNot a good idea.. Jerry's stepbrother, who helps the tree crew in the winter, is a housepainter in the summer. We told him we were thinking of getting the house painted this year, but we spent all our money on the trees....

I remembered to go to the dentist today, and they remembered me...I felt like the ghost had taken on a form and we chatted about his daughter and our grandson who went to the high school prom together in the same group. We also chatted about the fact that I can't close my jaw without pain since I had my teeth cleaned last week. He was very sympathetic and offered to reschedule my appointment until my jaw got better (he called it 'TMJ dysfunction') but I couldn't see much point in that. 

Our neighbor is mowing his field and the smell of new mown grass is drifting through the open bedroom door on the same cool breeze that is ruffling the curtain at the open window. Now why is it we're spending a fortune for a new air conditioner? 

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