Flower Friday : : Cinco de Mayo Rose

When the frost killed all the ice plant at the bottom of our driveway, we decided to plant some roses, These are called Cinco de Mayo*, so they seemed especially appropriate for Flower Friday today. .Interestingly, the ice plant is making something of a comeback

A few ice plant flowers can be seen beneath the roses. They were quite astonishing when they bloomed about this time of year, but they were susceptible to frost and  looked  dead most of the year, even when they weren't. Here's a picture I took before the frost killed them. 

I hope the neighbors who were mad at us for taking out the ice plant enjoy the Cinco de Mayo roses this year. I hope OilMan will keep them well sprayed with 'Deer Fence'**  so the deer don't enjoy them. Last year they ate every last blossom....

*Mexican Independence Day

**Deer Fence is a spray that interferes with the ability of deer to smell predators, so they stay away from any areas where they sense it is. 

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