The View from my Window

Little did I think, when we moved to the coast from the centre of Edinburgh nearly ten years ago that this is the sort of vista that we would see from our windows. Our property overlooks a paddock at the back which is left to grow wild. Over the years young deer have become regular visitors, initially maybe once or twice a year but gradually more frequently until this year when we can see them most days particularly in the early morning or as in the case of this image around late afternoon. Admittedly it was taken with my longest lens with a doubler through our dining room window but often they will approach quite close to our back fence. 

When we first moved here I was crowing about the view as we can see the beach and a tiny strip of sea from our deck and there is also my favourite tree at the end of the paddock which has  frequently featured in my blips. However, the regular appearance of wildlife is a real bonus which I know makes us very privileged.

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