
By Lenore

Polo fields

Cirencester is pretty affluent, Prince Charles is pretty close by, as is Princess Anne and we have the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester close to us (not that we've quite figured out exactly where, but it's been fun trying to work it out).  And, apparently, because the area has long been associated with royalty, there's a lot of horses around.  There's a field of polo ponies in the next village to us, that is apparently part of a divorce settlement and the occupants of the field are worth about £30,000.  That figure would mean a great deal more if I could quantify how may horses are in the field...

Anyway, my morning run goes past the Cirencester polo fields.  Despite a heavy dew all around, the fields were being watered ready for the impending polo season.

I collected a baby walker this evening - for the smallest, all very stressful.  Nappy change clearly needed as loaded children up, Swindon traffic far worse than expected, couldn't find allotted meeting place.. get home, everyone tired as it's later than anticipated.  The youngest cries when he's put in the walker and the eldest tries to get in there with him.  Let's' try again tomorrow and hope for greater success...

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