
By cowgirl

Holding up Bye-byes

After a flurry of activity - vacuumed and washed the car, vacuumed and washed the floors in the house and cleaned out the fish tank, it was a relief to join the kids late in the afternoon.

Everyone else was going to a wedding. Well, the ' Grandies' were already there, and Mary's mum and 2 aunties would be joining them after the evening milking session.

The kid's dad was still at their house, so between us we put them to bed. I was in charge of Mary, who wanted to read her book to me, which she did amazingly! We did the discussion part at the end and then the 'spot the difference' between the two pictures printed on the last page.

I was just about to tuck her in when I realised I didn't have my photo of the day, so Mary kindly posed with her Bye-byes, the little rabbit given to her by Aunty Emma when she was born. She still goes to bye-byes with it every night.

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