My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Over the park

We had the most awful night last night with Baby L and her virus. She cried, screamed and generally writhed about from 11:30pm until 5:00am when she finally dropped back off to sleep for a couple of hours. We think the fever broke this morning, she had a little breakfast and then napped for 3 hours.

After this she has been a lot more herself - interacting with us again and playing with some of her toys. Her rash is still there but less angry and she still has a temperature but nothing like it was. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight.

We spent 20 minutes out of the house this afternoon, wrapped Baby L up a little and went to see the horses at the park... we all needed a breath of air and a change of scene. She raised a smile for the horse and for the dogs we saw.

Fingers crossed things improve again overnight... thank goodness for a long weekend.

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