‘I saw a seagull hanging out by a lake, but I said, "Don't worry, Dude. I won't say anything.'
- Mitch Hedberg
I was admiring the whiteness of him
and his orange beak
when my thoughts drifted back
to the time I tried to sneak
out of Wanker Wortley’s chemistry class
once he’d taken the afternoon register.
‘Duck!’ I heard. Too late.
The blackboard rubber hit me hard
on the back of the head
and sent me flying.
Briefly I felt myself floating.
His voice anchored me.
‘Detention Young. Tonight. One hour.’
‘But sir…’
But there were never any buts.
Rules were rules in Grammar Schools.
Blackboard. Rubber. Back. Of. The. Head.
The bastard wouldn’t get away with it
these days.
Back then we hadn’t a clue.
Today we’d sue.
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