middle class; middle aged

Jumped on my bike after breakfast and cycled for 2hrs 15 mins.

Uphill; downhill (this is Scotland - not many flat bits). Woods, parks, harbours...

For those who are non-followers, at the end of January I was in the best physical condition I'd been in since I was 30 something and running half marathons on a whim.

Since then a variety of afflictions have crossed my path, and the fitness level has fallen off a cliff. The most recent wee thingy was blood pressure high enough to give me a stroke at any minute. I started the medication 4 weeks ago exactly, and to celebrate my return to normality, something strenuous was called for.

My iPhone was bouncing around in my pocket, so Blipping was easy. I almost chose a shot of my bike, but since all middle class middle aged folk will be buying expensive cycles in response the all that Olympic hooohaa, it is now in the recycle bin.

Instead it's poor old Dysart Harbour again, this time from above and on a beautiful, warm, windless Sunday morning with plenty hazy sunshine.

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