
By Lenore

High Jinx

This is the sight that greeted us as I dropped the student at university today (it may be a bank holiday weekend, but exams start next week!)

The car belongs to a final year student at the university.  The car is no longer taxed and the owner no longer wants it - so had decided to 'donate' it to the University.  And, being a good student, went out last night with his friends and had a few too many drinks.  And, after a few too many drinks, the sport was to mess around with the car - ending in turning it upside down. So it was high-jinx at the university last night.  And this morning - surprise that it will cost to have the car taken away....

Before university, I dragged my husband to a charity shop, they had a dresser in there I have been coveting.  Like all good husbands, he agreed with his wife, before pointing out that it would be bonkers to buy something so large when we're just about to move - and so have no-where in mind to put it.  So, we bought it, I'm utterly delighted.

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