One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

glorious pistorious described by an Aussie commentator as Oscar won the 400m in London.

Have been glued to the paralympics and really enjoyed the two weeks of competition with the dramas of egos and me-ness mainly lacking (apart from Oscar's post 200m race statement mind you). The ABC commentary team have had a 'superlative jar' on the go with a pound for each superlative and there have been lots!!
A tear or two here as well.
The performances have been just incredible, inspiring, amazing, wonderful,awesome, absorbing, glorious (well there's seven quid).

Oscar's lower legs were amputated at age 11 months after he was born without fibulas. His mother wrote him a letter to him, five months before the operation, to be read as an adult and it said "The real loser is never the person who crosses the finishing line last. The real loser is the person who sits on the side, the person who does not even try to compete."

Glorious Pistorious.

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