Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A different view

I set up my office for the day by a window on the first floor. Dylan found the view intriguing, even more so when it snowed briefly. I had actual snowflakes on the glass. Only about a teaspoon's worth I grant you, but it was part of a bigger very cold weather pattern. Later, walking back from town over the footbridge, the wind blew up like a late autumn gale.

I had the unusual honour of Tiggsy's company for much of the day; a very old cat (21) she rarely moves away from her favourite spot at the top of the stairs but came and joined me and sat next to me for quite a while.

A slog of a day; mostly minute writing and emails. But I had a wonderful 45 minute FaceTime with The Dizzle in New Zealand. He went on the world's biggest swing having won tickets in a competition and has also been climbing glaciers and partying on the beach. What a life.

By contrast I collected my prescriptions and TSM and I had lentil shepherd's pie for supper... Oh and it being cold 'n all, we put the central heating on again ...

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