Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


A good description of the day and the week.

I wanted to wear a pair on my head with two pencils up my nostrils (something you would understand if you were a blackadder fan) but I had trouble with the autofocus and I kept sneezing the pencils out.

These had gone missing from my Amazon order yesterday but were found today, although not until I had annoyed everyone at work by asking them if they had seen them.

I really have been round the block several times this week at work (emotionally at least) and just want to crawl in to bed with a trashy movie tonight.TSM and I went for a pizza on the way home which was lovely (I was supposed to be out with an old colleague but the timings went pear shaped). That did help me switch off a bit.

Anyway tomorrow is another day ... and at least I have clean underwear ...

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