
By Lenore

April hail!!

Back to the normal routine of playgroups and this morning we were at the NCT group, lovely to see friendly faces and chat to my new 'mum friends'.  I got home with two tired children who ate their lunch very nicely before crashing out.  Great - both asleep, couple of hours ahead to get things done. 

Washing hung out, hand washing done and hanging out, house tidied, few emails sorted.... and I had time to get changed and hop on the rowing machine to shift some of the spare tyre I'm carrying...  two strokes, two whole strokes on it, and the youngest wakes up, quickly followed by the eldest.  So that was that.  No way was I being beaten, two children, who hadn't slept enough and I was in my sports kit.  They were strapped into the push chair and off we went for a lovely run.  I met a chap who was out running with his dog, he commented that I had earned a chocolate biscuit or two, I explained the problem was that I'd already had these and hence the running...

We had been home all of five minutes and down came the hail - thank goodness the eldest hadn't wanted to walk and I'd run the whole way.  We would have been very miserable trio indeed.  The eldest thought the hail was hilarious until he was caught in it and then it all became a bit distressing.  My main distress was my washing that was unhappily getting wet.....

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