I Hope She's Wearing Thermals

My Dear Fellow,

The cold snap continues. That lady wearing a sheet on the top of the Royal Society building must be PERISHING. 

Actually, I am grateful to her. Today was not a particularly blipworthy day and I grabbed this picture of her from the bus as we turned from George Street down into Hanover Street. 

In other news, Er Indoors will be late in tonight. She emailed me to say she has to work late on account of having a day off on Friday. And also because she's been "playing with a puppy all day".

That sounds like the best day at work EVER. 

So I'm home alone with the lads. Obviously, we are taking this opportunity to watch a black and white film. Oliver Reed is threatening his siblings in "Paranoiac". The little guys love a bit of Evil Ollie.


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