The Day of the Triffids

...or vegetation's meerkats? No just the new unfurling leaves of ferns outside the kitchen window.
They are rather attractive at this point, not so attractive as they age, much the same as the rest of us.

How the advent of visitors, especially the resident kind, concentrates the mind wonderfully. While His Lordship and I seem to be able to live in genteel squalor with a light homely film of dust making the place looked lived in, we only get by to the untrained eye because we are quite tidy.
However other people's dust is not so acceptable to visitors, hence the general cleaning activity within the walls of the Dower House.

My wardrobe caught my attention last night and I became ruthless about keeping trousers which are happily too big at the moment. A large bag was assembled for the local charity shop and deposited there this morning.
There is now some free rail space for visitors' clothes, but probably not enough.
It is ironic to be able to exist happily for several weeks with the contents of a carry on case while having a large wardrobe filled with 'stuff' which seldom gets worn.
However, how glad I am I never got round to donating the jackets and coats that lay untouched for several years because I didn't fit them. Now I do! Yay!

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