In Need of a Wheelie Bin!

The cold northerly wind continues to blow, and some light snow showers through the day, but it has been mostly sunny :)

I've been working all day in the museum office, but only scanning photos today, the network was done and couldn't check orders!  I also have been working on my exhibition at lunchtime, this time mybown photos going on display at the Unst Boat Haven.  Enjoyed walkies with Sammy tonight, and then off to work in the pub.

When I was in over at da street, I met mam for lunch, and we met at the Havley Cafe.  Just up the road from there, was this mess.  Wheelie bins are much needed, leaving the black bags out like this attracts the birds to come hocking and rip open the bags.  Hopefully it'll get cleaned up.  Taken on Charlotte Street, Lerwick. 

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