Dead calm

It's been a busy couple of days on the resort where I live (Aphrodite Hills, if you're interested). Cyprus currently has the EU presidency and there was a meeting of big-wigs at the Intercontinental hotel here on the resort. I have never in my life seen so many policemen, standing around drinking coffee, wearing aviators and trying to look efficient. And never in my life have I seen so many BMW's... why on earth were there so many brand new sparkly BMW's? Are they sponsoring the EU? Is the EU sponsoring them? Goodness only knows, but I'm pretty sure a fuss of this level was not necessary. The resort is usually a peaceful place, one where, if you're driving along and you see your friend driving towards you, it is common practise to stop in the road and say hello... who cares if there's a car or two behind you? The police... that's who cares (we may have been beeped a couple of times... I may have shouted "oh keep your knickers on").
They have all thankfully gone now, and the resort is back to its peaceful, non-traffic-law-abiding ways.

Edit: It was a night-time water-based resort shot last year too... just around the corner from today's blip.

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