With the girls

It was a good day, today. Out for a run with Hannah first thing, then Charlie pitched up from Manchester, and later on we went out to collect Izzy from Oxenholme. 

Once we were all together - and joined by Izzy's friend Conor* - we settled down to a late lunch and several bottles of fizz. I love hanging out withe Minx and my daughters (even if we were missing Milly), not least for the mental list I make of films to see and books to read. 

Politically, it's a bit of an echo chamber, but I just take that as evidence of good parenting :-)

*Who made the best gag of the day. As we assumed that Ed Sheeran's next album would be called 'Subtraction', he imagined the start of the live gigs: "Subtraction! Take it away!" (To be honest, my daughters did dismiss this as early onset Dad Joke.)

-3.5kg (disastrous but a blip, I hope)

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