Mike's new wheels

We had a lazy morning, popped in the Art Gallery next door and then went up to Brodick. The sun was shining and we sat on a bench watching the gulls hoping for someones icecream or sandwich.
On the way we stopped at the viewpoint over to Goat Fell. We were surprised to see a film crew there filming Euan Mcilwarth for a Landward programme focusing on Local produce being used by our schools.It was also Cameraman, David Williamson's last day at the BBC.  Mike took a sneaky photo with his iphone ;)
Mike had a Segway session booked at the Adventure Centre. I did nt have a go and glad I did nt as 5 out of the seven people fell off, however Mike had a great time and managed to stay on just jumping off once at the beginning. I took some photos and waited in the car.
We drove back to Lamlash and parked, just a few seals this time but a few herons too and some friendly cows came over, glad there was a fence between us though :)

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