Best of all. I got my baby

We've spent a large part of the bank holiday weekend at the allotment.

Its improved a lot from the grassy 9 x 7 plot we were allocated in December. Its been hard work to get it to this stage, but we've thoroughly enjoyed it; despite the fact that some evenings we've barely been able to
Walk after.

We now have; two large bed for veggies. We have potatoes and Brussels planted. We have four small beds for beans, berries, onions and lettuces, a flower bed with orchids, deliahs and two other ones i can't remember. A little bed with rhubarb and strawberries; and three fruit trees.

And a fence, a gate and a polytunnel.

We have various seeds planted at home waiting for them to sprout before we take them up and replant them.

And loads of pallet wood which will be built, (like the whole fence and the gate) into a bench for the poly tunnel and partially completed pathways!

And yesterday, Duncan gave me some of his rhubarb so that i can practise my jelly making skills before the show in August

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