
Up and out by eight for a couple of hours with the bike. First part of my route took me on the climb up to Femes, probably the hardest thing I've ever done in a cycling sense - that 12% average gradient for the last kilometre, with parts of it at 18%, was even more savage than I expected, and as for that final hairpin at the top that ramped up when it really didn't need to, just ridiculous! The rest of the route I took was much less tough, and the combination of well-surfaced roads, very light traffic and spectacular scenery made it all a pretty brilliant experience. Should have stayed out longer - I was being a bit cautious - rising temperatures, first day and all that.

Felt good when I got back, not too fatigued. Family trip out for lunch and then a trip out up the coast to Los Hervidores and El Golfo for a round of soft drinks in one of the seafront eateries right on the edge of the black-sand beach. An incredible spot to gaze out at the crashing waves and feel at one with the world.

Further Ambience

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