Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Running free

Finally, a whole day away thanks to Gma and Gda taking care of the hound dogs. Up to Boyndie to top up Dave's Cullen skink soup levels. And lemon meringue pie, the biggest pie you ever did see. Then to Banff and Macduff estuary, just to tick that one off. And then to a new beach and ancient midden where I got so excited by the prospect of so much beachcombing loot the underwiring of my uppercrackers suddenly escaped the building, not just one, but both of them at the same time. It was quite something. Stealthy but spectacular.

I didn't want to leave that beach and I've been plaguing Dave to agree to a return visit ever since. But back to the running free (no running involved, not since 2014) and it was onwards to Strathbeg where Tess updated the record books and we saw the newborn foals. Then over to the MOD hide near dusk, passing the very intense police dog on route. We must be on red alert. Sam saw the egret. Then travel back home, happy and tired.

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