Sunday: Tofino Waterfront

We are hard pushed to say which has been our favourite spot here - they are all wonderful and amazing. We started off at Incinerator Rock - much more scenic than it sounds and wonderfully quiet as we were there pretty early. From there, we went to Schooner Cove - a walk of a kilometre through rain forest before emerging on to this amazing beach, with the snowy mountains in the background. I don't think I have ever seen a scene that includes beaches and snow covered mountains.

This afternoon we went out whale watching. We saw sea otters, sea lions and a decent number of whales on the horizon. The boat went quite far out - the pattern was to see a water spout, followed by a whale's back emerging to be followed by the tail. It was quite something but I didn't stand a chance of getting a decent shot and I didn't want to spend all my time obsessing behind the camera and missing the moment. So no whale shots.

Instead, Tofino as we headed back in.

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