Garden Tales

The day started dull and rather uninspiring. I walked to the village along the old railway line. The exercise and fresh air lifted my spirits. On my return I spent the morning doing some gardening and was soon feeling quite warm for my activity. And so that is how the afternoon went too! Splitting and moving plants, putting in some new ones, trying to fill gaps in the borders and create a sense of cohesion and flow through the garden. I am not sure if I have been successful - time will tell. I enjoyed myself regardless.

These are some hardy salad leaves which I sowed a few weeks ago - I am enjoying watching them grow and hopefully they will taste good when I finally get to harvest them. My peas are now shooting and the broad beans are a couple of inches tall. However, the new leaves and shoots on one of my rose bushes have been badly munched by something. I will need to investigate what it might be - looks like it had teeth of some kind! A beetle?

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