9.7C and mostly sunny. Wind W/WNW/NW to 25 mph with gusts to 34 mph.

Maeve the Deerhound slept through until the alarm clock and beyond! We went for our usual slow wander round to the harbour then back along Longrow.

Apothecary7's weekend off coincides with Easter so we are having a relaxing weekend. No plans for outings. We both need a rest.

Mid morning we walked along to the Town Hall where there was a craft fair. We had a wander round. Two large slices of cake came home with us. Before coming home we had a potter about on the old quay.

I took Maeve out for a shorter walk before lunch. She needed a little help back up the stairs which often seems to be the way of things the last few days. Later in the day seems to be easier for her.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/1640 sec. ISO-80 18mm (35mm focal length 216mm)

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