Visiting Uncle Bobby

It was a fine enough morning, well dry, and then by noon it had started to rain!  It's never stopped since.

I managed to get a load of washing out again today, and back in before the rain started!  I enjoyed a walk about Scalloway,  before the rain and popped along friends for a cuppa too.  Nipped to Lerwick after lunch, and then walkies in the rain this afternoon.  I'm working again in the pub tonight.  It feels like I'm living there just now, with all these extra shifts needing covered.

I went to town with Brian,  and we went to see uncle Bobby.  He's not my uncle, but he was introduced to me as Uncle Bobby, and his kindness makes it feel like an uncle.  He's currently in hospital, but hopefully get home soon.  He is Brian's real uncle.  L-R - Bobby Fraser, Sammy and Peerie Brian Smith.  Taken in the Montfield Hospital, Lerwick. 

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