
By cowgirl

Go Karting!

A sad farewell to the lovely b'n'b ( highly recommend a stay at No21 York, in case anyone fancies a York break ).

As a last birthday blast I booked Sav a 30 minute roast round in a motorised go-cart at an old airfield in nearby Tockwith. Apparently He enjoyed it, but said it was exhausting!

( The airfield was called RAF Marston Moor during the war, and Clark Gable was stationed there for a while ).

To recover, we drove on to Wetherby for a scone and hot drink before tackling the motorway for the journey home. It's only a 2hr journey and with some decent tunes playing ( Thunder ), we made it home in seemingly no time.

The cats were mildly interested in our return, but not too bothered as the neighbour's had been feeding them. Apparently Arfa had jumped into Gav's car when he came home yesterday, which he's never done to us. Clearly we are not needed!

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