Honey Days

I worked from home today which was rather a treat.  I was able to open the doors into the garden and sit with the fresh air and bird song drifting into the room.  After work I walked up to the heath.  As I approached I could smell the honey-like scent of the gorse flowers.  They are in full bloom and light up the landscape with a vibrant zing of yellow.  Much of the heath still looks like it is only starting to awake from its winter slumber.  The oak trees are still  brown although the birch trees are just showing some signs of bud burst, whilst the rowans are now in leaf. 

As I walked a chiff chaff sang.  I thought of my Nan and Grandad, it was their birthdays yesterday and today.  Grandad always talked about the birds.  We often used to have them to stay over their birthdays, especially as they sometimes coincided with Easter. It was always a happy time, we were all together, spring was arriving and we would enjoy hot-cross buns and birthday cake, talk and laugh.  I feel very close to them and think of them often.  Happy days.

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