Fort to Castle

The hundreds of times we have driven across the A66 and have never realised that just off the road, hidden behind houses, is this – Bowes Castle, or what remains of it anyway.

Bowes Castle was built on a corner of the Roman fort of Lavatrae and the whole platform on which the fort stood is very evident. The fort was built by the Romans to guard the approach to Stainmore Pass over the Pennines on the Roman Road from York to Carlisle. The original road is now the main street in the village of Bowes. This fort lay between the fort at Brough/Verteris and the one at Catterick/Cataractonium.
The castle was built in the 12th century, using the earthworks and stone that the Romans left behind. It was built to provide a refuge during Scottish invasions in the 12th and 13th centuries. It was besieged by the Scots on several occasions and was raided by Robert the Bruce. All that remains now is the Keep that you can see here, but it is very impressive nevertheless. (This was going to be a mono, but I couldn't lose the blue sky and the lovely pale-coloured stonework.) 

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