Abstract Thursday...or is it an abstract...?!
At first glance this photo may look like a purely abstract pattern of dots. But look a little closer, near the top left - do you recognise that pattern? Have you ever looked at the night sky (in the Northern Hemisphere?). This is a night-sky photo which includes The Plough (or The Big Dipper in the US).
It's actually my first ever attempt at astrophotography. We had a talk at our camera club a few weeks ago on the topic and I wanted to try it sometime. The techniques require more software processing than I had time for today (ie I need to sit down and learn them!!) - and I'd really need to go somewhere without light polution. But at least this is a start.
I hope Ingeborg will accept this as an abstract - if not, then I had fun anyway, and many thanks to her for looking after Abstract Thursday once again.
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