A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Back to School Part II

Well, you can tell how they feel about going back to school! You'd think I'd spent the last 6 weeks beating them with a stick. Still, good not to have to deal with any back to school traumas. Not from them anyway. I'm finding the adjustment a little harder...not least because it's so bloomin' quiet. Thank goodness for Listen Again and Radios 4 and 4Extra or I'd be quite insane.

I've decided my work-term starts properly next week as it doesn't seem right starting on a Thursday. So a gentle warm-up day today....bit of tidying (can't believe how quickly we've trashed the house this week), started the back to work email clearing exercise, made chocolate chip bars to bribe the kids into coming home at pick-up and hoping to fit in a swim and a haircut before then.

It's always important to warm-up gently,
Lesley x

Last year's joy

And 2010's

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