
A long and exciting day today. Up early to drive to work so I could get back in time to get ready and take off for the Olympic Park, clutching our athletics tickets.

The journey and the rest of the day was smooth and easy with loads of people to help when you needed it (or just wanted a Foamy Hand High Five!).

The park is great and we strolled around checking it out. It was interesting and pleasant but entering the Olympic Stadium was the highlight really. It is a wonderful arena and the whole evening was enthralling and exciting. Our seats were great and the compare made things easy to follow (although watching everything that is happening is impossible).

We saw a Colombian lady throw the javelin which was good (and close to us). The noise made when a British athlete was competing was incredible, very special. We saw a British Bronze and Silver medal and Pistorius ran twice, winning Gold in the 100m relay. I even really enjoyed the Mexican Wave :-)

Comedy highlight was when, after one false start due to crowd noise, everyone was told off by the compare, so the second time on the blocks the crowd was absolutely silent, until a rogue Javelin thower threw his spear while screaming like a wailing cat, the noise echoing round the stadium causing everyone else to laugh (and abort the race for the second time).

Dad loved it, the Mrs Loved it, I loved it. It was brilliant.

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