My new walking buddy...

They say that the first of something you associate with the death of that being is always the hardest....and it is true.   It has been 3 weeks since we said good bye to Zoe, and because it was terrible weather before we headed to Cuba, today is the first day i ventured on a walk, along our road, without her!   It was hard not to think of her and so i did, and just let myself sink into the missing of her.....but then this little chap, Chance, would come bounding down the road to follow me!   It has made the transition a bit less painful for sure, he is a very lovable and sweet dog!   A few months before Zoe passed we had agreed that when the time came for Chance's family to make a move to a home that wouldn't be as good for him, we would adopt him!   Well he's here now - and altho he isn't Zoe, his presence is very much appreciated and enjoyed!

The extra is of the newly spring cleaned studio....Rachel helped me yesterday and i finished up this morning...this is as clean as this part will be...but it does feel so much better.   Started throwing again, and the sunshine coming in to the studio has made it very enjoyable.

In other news:  got the results of the MRI, and it is confirmed, advanced there is a knee replacement in my future!!!   Not looking forward to the actual event, but i am getting sick of limping around so it will be appreciated later on i know!   So now i just have to adjust my expectations as to what i can and can't do, accept this is my new reality, and be grateful for all that is very good and wonderful in my life!

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