A Fluffy of Activity

My Dear Fellow,

You may have noticed that when I emailed you earlier today I referred to my morning being “a fluffy of activity”. Obviously that was my fingers moving faster than my brain, but I quite like it. And this morning was fairly busy. I found out my dad is coming for a visit at the end of the month, so I spent some time trying to book his hotel. It was a nice start to the day.
And my spirits were pretty high anyway. It’s the weather you know. The mornings have been lovely lately. Sunny and bright with birds chirping and urchins singing and groups of nuns spontaneously launching into dance routines.
Wait. Am I getting fantasy and reality mixed up again?
Whatever. The weather has been nice, is what I am trying to say. And today at work wasn’t so bad either. I mean, I was at work so we’re not going to be hitting the big scores day-wise, but it was a 6 or a 7 out of 10. That’s not bad for a Tuesday.
But wait, let us check what’s happening on the huge, momentous, life-changing moments front…
The immigration.co.nz website has been updated today! After weeks and weeks of my Kiwi status being “pending” it is now “APPROVED”. In capital letters!
That’s it! They’ve said it! No takey-backsies! Too late!!
I saw that “APPROVED” and the strangest feeling came over me. I’m going to try to describe it. It was kind of like when you sit down on the lavvy to wee when you are bursting, but you haven’t started weeing yet but a wave of happiness and relief washes over you because you know you can if you want to.
It was sort of like that. Only there was no actual wee involved. I need to emphasise this.
So I am now a pre-resident of NZ. I think the next thing that happens is that they will ask for my passport so they can put a picture of a Kiwi giving me a thumbs-up in there. You don’t want to know what he does to your passport when they turn you down.
Let’s have one final check of the scores on the doors, love. Tuesday gets a whopping 11 out of 10. Didn’t we do well??


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