Fete des fleurs

This morning I took my parents towards the coast again to build up their appetite for lunch! We were at a place called Penhors and I enjoyed watching the birds along the coast and we encountered some new ones for me - Meadow Pipits and Turnstones and some sort of Plover - not sure if it was a golden plover or a grey plover in winter plumage. We also saw cormorants, gulls, oystercatchers and a lone white egret, which I was quite surprised about.

After a lunch of Coquilles St Jacques, we visited the fete des fleurs - the flower festival near Plomeur. It had a few fields of mainly hyacinths and some tulips and was quite impressive. I have never been to the bulb fields in The Netherlands, but this is what I imagine them to be like.
They even had a 3D sculpture type structure made out of flowers in the shape of the Rijksmuseum which was really nice (see extras)

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be cooler and cloudier, so not sure what our plans will be - Mum and Dad can decide - I am just the chauffeur this week :)

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