
By LifeLines

Standing Tall and Beautiful

This rhododendron has grown tall, like a tree, amidst the conifer trees in our local woodland.  It stands out and reminds me of the trees you see in illustrations of fairy tales.

It was beautiful and sunny again today.  The day felt odd somehow.  Quiet, without talking to many people.  Andy is in Scotland at the moment.  I enjoy my own space but I do like having people around me.  I worry sometimes, about the future being one where I do not have anyone there to give help me if I need it.  Perhaps we all feel these things sometimes.

Tomorrow I am off to a conference in Birmingham.  I'll be there for a few days.  So, hopefully I will be able to bring you something other than flower photographs!  I may take my 'proper' camera, in which case I will need to wait to post my blips until I am home.  I wish you all well and will hope to catch up with your journals whilst I am away.  Thanks for being there.

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