
Well well, how do I begin....got up early this morning even though I didn't set up the alarm. Hubby and I went to church really early (7:20 am) followed by breakfast at our favorite place. We had been talking about going on a bicycle ride and a few days ago I accidentally found a Regional park close by (well, it seemed that way...I was driving!) So we got ready, our daugther came along. It was a challenge for me since I haven't been on the bike lately. After over 10 miles we finally arrived to the park, as soon as we found some grass I just let myself go down to the ground! There was a ranger close by and he came right away to ask if I was alright! LOL! I told him how far we came from and he understood and left.
As you can see, it is really hard not to include several pictures to describe my day. We sat by the lake and observed the wild life, quite interesting and relaxing! There is one bird white with black stripes, my daughter found out it was a Killdeer. There were also four American White Pelicans flying around in circles, I am surprised I got a decent shot of them.
There were children fishing and doing quite well throwing the line, good practice for large muscles! We saw a red duck with a blue beak although not close enough for a good shot. On our way back, there was a Goose family by the road. What a delightful sight, those ducklings were just the cutest thing I've seeing! 
Half way back, my legs were very tired so I decided to walk instead. We called my daughter who stayed home for her to come and find us on the way. She was laughing at us for not completing our journey, but we had to get ready to go to dinner. Early birthday celebration since my b-day is during weekdays. 
We were at the Thai restaurant (my favorite one) and I asked the waiter to take a family picture and handed my camera. My daughter said that was not a good camera anymore and I told her it was the only one and it took pretty decent pictures then she surprised me with a wonderful gift...A NEW CAMERA! I am exited to start getting to know how to use it. It's a Canon and that is all I know for know. 

P.S. Thank you very much to all who have visited my journal, it is quite an honor to have so many comments and such a great photo community. I know that I don't reply to your comments very often but there is always room for improvement in my side. Thank you all for the stars and favs.! 

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