
By CharlotteJ


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Hope I'm forgiven this photo wasn't taken today and some of you may double take thinking it's Mills. It is not! This is Robbie, our first cat. He was a rescue cat and to this day we do not know why he was abandoned. Robbie was a fully operational (until the rspca neutered him) pure white, blue eyes, hearing Manx. The breed in the uk was dwindling then and still is - he could have been worth something to a breeder but his fate brought him to us! He was a complete terror when young and always in a fight and always coming home with various cuts and bruises. He was top cat in our little street!
As the years went on Robs aka Boo settled and enjoyed sunbathing (hated sunblock on his ears) and enjoying a good game of arm war with Chris (rob would attack Chris's arm). Rob was full of naughty cheeky character but most of all he was a big big softy and for 9 years at bed time all I had to say was 'night nights' and he would run up the stairs and jump on the bed where he would sleep all night at my feet. He adored a cuddle too and at any moment would be curled up on my knee. He was my little shadow.
9 years ago today he passed away and we laid him to rest under his tree that he loved so much.

I want to record in my journal Robbie, he was a big part of my life, I truly loved the little guy.

Rest in Peace Boo, you will never be forgotten

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