Devotion Selfie

It's not been much of a day, a misty morning, and then the rain showers came in the afternoon and this evening too.

I've been working in the museum office this morning.  Scanning old photos, and still coughing with this dry tickling throat.  I was on the desk in the afternoon, and a fairly quiet day.  It's also been a very quiet and lazy evening at home.  I've been watching telly, maybe time for a movie now. 

It's been no day for photos,  so thankfully I snapped this last night when out late for walkies with Sammy before bed.  It's a selfie with me and Sammy, and also fishing boat Devotion LK 801.  She's looking good on the slip with her natural boards showing, but she'll be getting painted soon.  Taken at Moore's slip, Malakoff, Scalloway.  

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