Animal Dramas

Pooch was restless in the night, waking us to go out twice which is unusual. But when we got up this morning it was clear something was wrong - her whole muzzle was swollen to 3 times it's usual size! Yes it looked comical (Desperate Dan Dog) , but we knew it could be serious - fortunately we have an ace vet and at 9am pooch was being examined. The vet confirmed anaphylaxis and at first thought snake because of the severity of the reaction, but a big red and very sore looking single lump was found - so the vet thinks its mostly likely to have been a large over-wintering bee, possibly a queen. Pooch got a horrendous looking injection (only one of us went a little woozy....) and has mostly snoozed in the garden all day feeling sorry for herself.
I came back and the rain finally stopped. The one benefit of all this wet is that the big horrid plants i need to remove come out a lot more easily - im starting to see some progress now. Its more landscaping than gardening, but hopefully it will make it easier to look after in the long term.

Coming in for a late lunch i was cooking when i heard a commotion in the lounge - and found this chap - he's obviously a fan of the arts as he'd avoided the fiction, biography and mountaineering section of the bookshelves and had tucked himself quite firmly into this little gap. Despite leaving the windows open for a while he stayed put and in the end I was able to pick him up by hand and help him out the window, he flew away just fine, im guessing he'd just gotten too panicked indoors.

Philosophy Friday
A bird sitting in a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because it's trust is not in the branch but instead in it's own wings.

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