Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Calm at the end of the day

It was a beautiful warm day today, for early spring it was quite incredible that it reached 21C (as per my car thermometer). Unfortunately I spent most of it in my car up and down motorways doing more errands and stuff for the new house. I desperately felt the need to get 5 minutes of fresh air and so at the end of the day I went to a nearby pond in Esher, hoping to see some ducklings or other birdlife but there was nothing there. so here is another scene of reflections on a pond (sorry!)

While I was out for most of the day, Thomas and Luke were at home studying (GCSE exams and end of university year exams) and Adam was on his last day of inter varsity skiing in France - he is due home tomorrow night and then he also has to crack on with some studying.

For supper tonight we are having salmon accompanied by that orzo pasta dish with broad beans and peas from Mary Berry's new TV show - I had to guess the quantities as I don't have the actual recipe, so I have now ordered her new book from Amazon - which I should have done before trying this recipe (made with a gluten free similar sized pasta for me instead of orzo)

I wish people would give Theresa May a break - I think she is trying her best to navigate us through the Brexit process, not something I voted for but as the majority did, we have to get on with it - that is how democracy works. I cannot believe how tired she looks, she must be under unbelievable strain and is doing a job that almost all of us could not do. In my opinion, that deserves some respect.

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